so, how’d you end up here? 

maybe someone in your family sent you a link to this page. maybe they're even making you attend. If so, we hope you find something that resonates. either way, you're welcome here.

if you're here on your own accord, we're glad you found us.

if you want the long-story-short, scroll to the bottom.

what’s our approach?

antedote supports your pursuit of what matters most to you.

we built this place to help you explore, embody and enact a meaningful life of purpose and we strive to help you handle the inevitable challenges that will surface along the way.

if you don't yet know what kind of life you want to live, that’s all goods—it's where we all start.

we don't pretend to have all the answers. everyone here is on their own learning journey just like you.

first and foremost, the people you'll work with at antedote see you as being whole and complete with nothing inherently wrong with you. we believe that given the right conditions, your innate ability to navigate the complexities of your life will be at your full disposal.

how do we do it?

a supportive community is essential for this work.

at antedote, you're a part of a community—the crew.

The crew strives to work together to discover how we want our world to look and what role we want to play in that world.

you'll have access to a team of guides and mentors who are there to support you and help you navigate challenges and connect with your inner resources.

our guides aren't here to change you or to make you into anything you don't want to become. although we have standards of behavior and healthy boundaries built into our program to keep things safe and effective, we don't have an agenda for what you should become or how you should look along the way.

you'll have access to state of the art resources and spaces for growth, relaxation, and connection.

the work isn’t just focused on you. we ask your loved ones to support your journey in their own personal and interpersonal growth work.

daily life at antedote.

you'll meet with your guides and crew for two hours, three to five times per week. between sessions and after hours, our facilities are always open to members.

at antedote, we learn and grow in group experiences and reflection that integrate our insights and help us act on them. with your crew, you'll do things like jiu jitsu, art, performance, yoga, cold plunges, sports, games, and a whole lot more.

joining antedote requires a 90 day commitment to experience the benefits and impact of this kind of program. after that, we leave it up to you to decide if it's a good fit.

if you make the choice to join us, you're committing to a lifelong membership in a community worth your time, presence, and participation.

long story short.

at antedote, we don't try to shape you into something you're not or don't want to be. instead, we support you in discovering what's important to you and how to get by participating in group activities and reflection.

here's what you'll learn to do in a nutshell:

_wake up

realize and embody who you are and what matters most to you.

_show up

take a stand for your self, your family, your community and the world.

_grow up

become the person you want to be, who can act on what is of highest value to yourself with integrity, creativity and skill.

and we'll be there with you every step of the way.