the whole family practice.

growth is a relational process.

we created the whole family practice to foster lasting transformation in our members and their families by inviting everyone to the table.

the family unit is a living ecosystem that is integral to our members' holistic health and development.

1_family sessions

built into our members' commitment to their first 90 days at antedote is the family's commitment to participate in his development by attending at least three family sessions.

with antedote's dynamic parenting model, we discover the unspoken and unconscious agreements at play in the family system. we collaborate to create new agreements in service of a mutual understanding between the crew member and his family.

these sessions are designed to help families gather insight into collective challenges and create new systems of support that everyone can agree on.

our goal is not to superimpose our vision onto families but rather to advocate for and champion their unique collective strengths and ideals.

sessions are facilitated by specialists, building attuned connections to the whole family. some of these sessions are between families and facilitators alone, while others include crew members as an integral part of the conversation.

2_family projects

during their time at antedote, members design a personalized project with their family in mind.

we believe young people want to participate harmoniously in their families if they can do so in ways that express their autonomy. in collaboration with their crew and guides, these projects are designed to give them the support to develop the capacity to embody their unique and valuable role in their family.

as they grow within their crews, member's projects increase in scope to include extended family and other meaningful communities.

additionally, before each rite of passage experience, your loved one will plan a family outing to share with you their experiences, lessons, challenges and curiosities.

3_antedote platform

crew members and parents have access to antedote's confidential and secure online platform.

here, you can view weekly schedules, communicate with guides, and review family agreements and commitments.

parents have exclusive access to family-only features that include scheduled, direct-communication with guides, progress updates, session booking, and workshop content.